The Chrome Dome

Chock Full Of Nothin'

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Moab and Back

We had such a good time in Moab, UT. It was really nice to have some time with Frank and I. I know some of you may have read the post I did before this one and I just wanted to update that everything is going great. I am constantly working on myself on a day to day bases to make myself a better person and a better wife.

Witht hat said, we got some WONDERFUL pictures when we were down there. I know some of you have never been and the only thing I can say is Shame On You! There is this serenity type feeling that comes over you when your there. To see Mother nature at her best making this beautiful land which we all take for granted. What's funny is how close I live and yet it had been 4 years since I had gone down there. Well, I have some beautiful pictures for you all to see. I am going to be putting them on small as there are quite a few. If you want to see the full sized one you will need to click on the picture. Love you guys.

This is the Petrified Sand Dunes.

This is Balancing Rock. It sure looks nice out but it was really only 50 degrees out. With the wind chill it was maybe 35.

Frank looking cute like always

This is Delicate Arch. Now, this picture looks pretty far away, and indeed it is. The reason for this is that the hike to it is over 3 miles long and if we had done it there wouldn't have been time to get all the other pictures I am going to show you. Also, this Arch is the Unofficial State Liscence Plate. Just incase you were wondering where you had seen it before. Also, I look pretty happy, vbut I am infact tired cause the hike up to where we are was pretty hard for me. After this I was pretty warmed up and did great the rest of the trip.

Again here is the arch in the back ground but were on the lower view.

Here Frank is in front of the Firey Furnace. He looks all innocent but he's up to something if you ask me.

These next few are just Frank and I climbing of stuff. We were like little kids. it was great.

Now this is the last one of random crap Frank and I decided to climb. I could go on and on cause I have tons of pictures. But really, who cares. The next few are going to be of some Arches. Some I don't remember the names so I am sorry.

This picture didn't turn out to well because of the sun, but I thought it looked cool anyways. The one below it is the same arch just with out the sun glaring on my camera.

These last three pictures are of 2 more arches. The first picture is of Tunnel Arch. The second is Pine Tree Arch. The third pictures is of me striking a pose under Pine Tree Arch (althought I don't think I was supposed to walk on it).

Thanks everyone for sharing in our experiance. This was a first time for Frank and we really enjoyed our time. None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for my wonderful and beautiful sister Athena. We are truely lucky to have you in our life and we want to say thank you for everything. We sure love you a WHOLE lot.

P.S. For thosse of you on dial up, sorry it is going to take FOREVER to load this post. Also, as I finish I am thinking, "Please don't crash and I have to redo all of this. Gosh that would suck. I would just say screw it".


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