The Chrome Dome

Chock Full Of Nothin'

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Lawlessness, Despair Overtake Big Easy

First off I would like to say that my hear goes out to everyone in the Golf Coast.Secondly how upset I am that more security measures weren't taken. There are no words for a picture like this. All I can think about is what I would have done.

Browsing around other peoples bloggs I was surprised to see that not many were talking about what happened. Mostly about their college classes and stupid rich kids complaining that their mother took away their cell phone because they weren't responsible. Then if you look on the television all you hear about is the looting people are doing and if you watch local networks the bar at the bottom of Everybody Loves Raymond with the updates on the Gulf Coast. Nice to know that they are keeping up on the coverage!. I will say I got to read one blog today about a man who was over there and got out. He talked about what stuff he was going to take and what he would leave. Trying to decide if he should put his stuff on the first floor just in case the roof caves in, or would it be better on the second floor because it might flood. Then I think back all I thought about most of this after noon is how nervous I was about going to choir classes since it had been so long. I guess that's why I live in Colorado. Rather it be dry then have to paddle a boat across the street to go use the restroom! As far as gas prices, I am sure the picture above says everything. Here's the last thing I will say:

Give early, give often. Even if you can only give a few dollars, every little bit will help. Check with your employer to find out if they match charitable donations. Avoid "Calamity Scams" by giving to established relief organizations.

here's a link with the before and after pictures


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