The Chrome Dome

Chock Full Of Nothin'

Saturday, September 24, 2005

2nd time harder then the first?

Today marks day one of me quitting smoking for the rest of my life. I quit back in 2001 and didn't start up again until after I had Bowen. So, off and on for the past year I have been smoking. I noticed when I am asked if I smoke I always say no. I now realize it is because I am ashamed that I do. I was going to quit when I go up to Denver on Monday, but I decided there's no time like the present. That if I keep having reasons for why I can keep smoking that I will never end up quitting. But I tell you it is sure harder this time around then it was the first time. The first time I quit I did it cold turkey. Just decided that I wasn't going to smoke anymore. This time I am not sure why I am struggling so hard. But I Know I need to do it not only for myself but also for my family.

I have decided that everyday I am going to look up information on lung cancer or ways to quit smoking . Today on QuitNet they told me what I can expect when I quit:
Money in your pocket:
Days added to your life:
16 days, 17 hours/year

Now I am sure the money in my pocket would be more the longer I smoke. The amount you smoke always goes up with time. Right now I am only up to 6 a day.

I was then given the reason I smoke after completing a questionnaire, and this is what they told me:

You scored high (100%) as a Pleasure/Relaxation smoker. You may use smoking as a reward to sit down and relax. You enjoy a cigarette after a good meal or in social situations, like a party. For you, alternatives to smoking may include taking a walk after eating or finding other activities that give you pleasure. At parties, try to drink non-alcoholic drinks. Alcohol tends to reduce your willpower for staying off cigarettes. 73% of QuitNet users are relaxation smokers.

You scored high (100%) as a Crutch/Tension smoker. You tend to use cigarettes as a crutch in moments of stress or discomfort. You may smoke when you are nervous, worried or angry. All these feeling represent some kind of tension. For you to quit smoking, you need to find a release for that tension. Try deep breathing, relaxation or physical exercises to help reduce your stress. 79% of QuitNet users are crutch smokers.

You scored high (73%) as a Craving smoker. You often feel a 'hunger' for a cigarette. This is a psychological addiction. You crave the nicotine. Each cigarette you have is a stimulus for the next. Drink plenty of water, it may help to lessen some of the physical withdrawal symptoms. 71% of QuitNet users are Cravingsmokers.

There are no easy solutions when it comes to quitting smoking. This program merely offers suggestions to help you get started. The rest is up to you! Find out what methods work for you and stick to them. Do it for yourself! Do it for your health!

It will be tough for me to quit when we go to Denver on Monday cause my sister Leora smokes. But I will make sure I let everyone know that I quit and hopefully I will find support.

Till tomorrow, night!


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