The Chrome Dome

Chock Full Of Nothin'

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ultrasound results

After waiting all day yesterday to hear the results of my ultrasound, the Doctor NEVER called! Isn't that just like them to do that. So, I called first thing this morning and the nurse said:

"I don't know what happened. I gave your doctor the message".

I can tell you what happened, they decided it wasn't important enough to call me and that I would be fine till tomorrow. So when I called this morning the nurse said again:

"Oh, I'm sorry. But your doctor wont be in the office again until Monday. Would you like me to have another doctor give you a call back?"

How completely annoying. Why didn't she just call me last night if she knew she wasn't going to be in the office? I of course said yes cause I wanted to know what was going on with me. I was also wondering how they are going to know what we talked about during my appointment and how a stranger to me is going to tell me what's going on with my body!

Well, to my amazement, they didn't have a doctor call back, it was a nurse. That's fine, but then why couldn't the nurse I talked to when I called yesterday have told me what's going on?

She said that during my exam they found a 1/2in cyst on my ovary but that it ruptured during the exam. Well, why couldn't the tech have told me that when I was there getting the ultrasound? LOL. Then she told me that my pap came back abnormal and that I need to come back in 4 months to redo it. Its probably nothing.

Well, that's it for my rant today.


  • At 10:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    the cyst ruptured during the exam. damn, that must have hurt!!! hope everything turns out okay, but i guess it sounds like it's probably nothing.


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