The Chrome Dome

Chock Full Of Nothin'

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dream? Or maybe something else!

I had a dream just not more then 5 minutes ago. I awoke from it with my heart racing and unwilling to try to go back to sleep.

I remember it starting out where I am with a friend. We are playing in the water. I think it is a pool. Having lot of fun. Then my dad shows up. I remember feeling great joy in this. He had me on his shoulders and we were playing and playing. Splashing around and we were just really happy. This went on for some time in my dream.

Then, my father had to go do some work and I am back at the friends house. My dad is downstairs working. She (but sometimes it turns into a boy in my dream) tells me that we should go to bed. She shows me to this little room that is made up into almost what looks like 2 different rooms but without a door. In the back of this room I see a bunch of those kneeling pillows, like hey have at a church. They are formed in a square. I ask what they are for. The girl then tells me that it is a wake. That my friend Amber is inside the square. Scared I asked why they didn't barey her. She said because the bible says that you don't go up or down and that her body is there for her to go back to.

I freak out and told the girl that I can't sleep in here. She says "I know I shouldn't have said anything". I begin to run. The girl doesn't know what to do and is struggling with what seems to be a demon inside her. It says for her to kill me! So I run and run down what seems like an endless spiral stair case. But it is a BIG and wide stair case. I look behind me and the girl is down on all fours like a dog running and leaping after me. Her eyes are black and cold. I am thinking in my head that I have to get to my dad. He's just right at the end of this stair case. I get to the room he is in. He is sitting at a desk working on a computer. I am yelling but he can't hear me.

The demon catches me and I ask, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Now it is a boy. He says "You are already asleep".

I know that he means I am asleep in that room with Ambers dead body. I think that I should just let myself fall all the way asleep.

That feeling when you're just stating to fall asleep comes over me and as I drift off scared and wishing I was awake, the boy told me "You need to wake up"!

At that second I awoke.

It has been a long time since a dream has been that fresh in my mind. It's been a very long time since a dream scared me soo much that ever just writing it out caused me heart to race and for this sick feeling to come over me.

It has me wondering, even though it was scary, is it possible for people that have passed on to try and reach us in our dreams? Most people that are close to me know that I am not a spiritual person. That I believe something happens after death, but the rest I am not sure of. So, could it be possible that it was Amber , trying to reach me? To get me to look inside that square in that room where she was laying, dead and lifeless? Maybe she was reminding me that I have not been thinking about her? That I forgot about her birthday in February? Maybe she was trying to let me know that she watches me.

I don't know. I woke up and the first thing I thought of doing was writing about it on here. Dreams easily slip our minds rather quickly when you awake from sleep. But this one I felt I was to share. I would have called Athena but she is at church. Frank is at work. That leaves just me and what was, this blank screen, to leave my thoughts.

I am also wondering, why was I scared to go look? Because I was afraid she was laying there. I was afraid that I would look and see what was left of her decomposing body. Because I felt in my heart that it was wrong to still have her body there 9 years after she had passed.

I just now wondered, maybe this was God. Letting me know he's really there. That I should not tread lightly when it comes to speaking about the bible and all that stuff...

Then again, I could just be over analyzing this whole thing and it really is just what it was.

A Dream.


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