The Chrome Dome

Chock Full Of Nothin'

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Stupid stupid asses

Found out today that Franks work is totally trying to F*&^ us!

Pretty much told him that he either works the schedule they did or that he can put in his 2 week notice. What a bunch of ass holes. They have known about us building the house for a whole YEAR now. It isn't like he went in there and just said give me these hours. They have known about it for a very long time. Frank was told by the owner that building the house should come first and that he would make sure Frank got the schedule he needed in order to have time to build the house.

Now that it has all come to a head the General Manager is refusing to change the schedule and conveniently the owner is not reachable. The whole store is just falling apart and no longer cares about its dedicated employees.

To work in the industry Frank does and still be at this job for 3yrs now is just remarkable. We have gone through A LOT with this company. He has taken it to a place no one wanted to go to having customers follow him to the different stores just because they like Frank.

It has just taken so long getting going with this house that Frank has lost his pull at the company. If we had started 6 months ago then things would be fine because the whole store rode on Frank. Now they have enough people trained that if he was to leave they would be fine.

It just feels like when ever we try to do something to better ourselves and our family, that there is always someone who doesn't want to see it happen.

If Frank could, he would just quit right now. It would be very hard to find a brand new company that would be willing to give him the hours he needs to make time for building the house. It is just sooooo frustrating. I am not sure what we are going to do.

If we fall behind too much on our build hours they will force us to foreclose the loan and sell the house. :(

Monday, May 15, 2006

Good times

Had a really wonderful weekend. We went to the Monster Truck show Saturday night. Bowen just loved the big ones. He really started to get into it. Throwing his arms up in the air and clapping his hands when everyone else did. It was really awesome. Daddy and Bowen also got to ride in one of the big trucks. I am going to put up some pictures but they are kind of hard to see. I almost cried because it just made my heart so full.

Yesterday we went to my dads house for mothers day and I really would have rather not gone. Just a bunch of food I couldn't eat so I ended up being a vegetarian because all I could eat there was the salad. I would have had chicken if it had been cooked all the way threw.

Well, going to post some pictures. Then I will be posting some pictures of where our house is going to be. Found out a few days ago that they have already started digging the whole where they are going to be laying the foundation. It is so exciting to finally get going on this. Our official first build day is this Saturday!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Cha Cha Cha Changes

Today was Bowens first day at Daycare. Poor guy. He wasn't too happy about that. Started crying the minuet he saw me. But we have to start taking him. We start building in about 2-3 weeks and he needs to get use to going. I also need to find someone to watch him full time on Saturdays. I would love it if we could find someone to watch him at our house. But you can't want in one hand and shit in the other.

Wow is daycare expensive. For 4 half days and 4 full days it is going to cost me $180.00 bucks. The upside to that is that it will be a deduction on our taxes for 06'.

I am coming to a close on my 3rd week of Weight Watchers. It has been a struggle and I have had some good and bad days. I am going to stick with it this time. I just got done purchasing me a sports bra off the internet. Can't wait till it gets here. Finally some support when I exercise.

Anyways, I will be posting some pictures of out lot for the house in the next few days. Tomorrow is Frank and I 3rd anniversary. Sure seems longer then that. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Haven't really had the time or the desire to keep this thing going. but will post more at another time.